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Congratulations, you may now thank yourself! You have just discovered and stumbled upon the greatest quality inspirational and motivational blog the internet will ever have to offer. From here on out, your life will slowly begin to change in a positive yet enlightening way. Are you ready for endless inspiration and motivation? Yes? Good, lets go! 🙂

We Will Change The World
Who Are We?
We are here to inspire, motivate, and empower you with endless inspiration and motivation, to aid you in the pursuit of your passions and anything else you may desire, in the utmost ethical manner. Yes, this is a brand new freshly made blog, but we can assure you that we have spent countless hours studying the topics of inspiration and motivation. These teachings have been in effective use for centuries by some of the most powerfully inspiring people our history has witnessed; we have sacrificed our time to master these subjects in a way that can be implemented to benefit any person that wishes to bring positive change into their life. Why are we doing this? WHAT DO WE GET OUT OF IT? We are all family on this planet and we truly have faith that together, we will change the world.
Our Passion
Motivation2inspire.com was created due to the sheer passion we have for helping people and spreading happiness. We believe that the best way to spread happiness is by empowering people to follow their dreams. Many of you may already have a dream or vision of something you wish to achieve or accomplish, but you lack the motivation to take action and chase those dreams.

Beautiful Waterfall Scene
Everyone has a goal in mind, whether it be short term or long term, it doesn’t matter. What matters is how you are going to achieve that goal. Sometimes we lack inspiration and we lack the drive to complete these goals because we simply just do not believe in ourselves. That is why we are here, that is why we must come together; we must push one another to follow our passions and to bring positive change to this world. We are here to bring you endless inspiration and motivation, and help you in any way we can, whether it be an inspiring story that’ll help you through an extremely difficult time in your life or even introducing to you a simple quote that’ll maintain a smile on your face throughout the day. We strongly believe that positive attracts positive and once people realize that, then there will be no room for any negative. We will always promote the positive and abrogate the negative because it is part of our passion. We must spread as much light in this world as possible because by doing so there will be no more room for darkness.
We enjoy teaching people because to us, education is one of the greatest investments a human can pursue. “Education is improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it.”-Marian Wright Edelman. We are here to motivate you. We are here to inspire you. We are here to empower you with endless inspiration and motivation to gain the knowledge necessary to perpetually bring positive change into your life as well as to the world.

People helping each other
We believe Henry Ford is right when he says “coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress’ working together is success”. We need your help. Please share with us your story, what inspires you? What has motivated you throughout life? What is your favorite motivational quote? Movie? Song? We are here to educate you as a well as learn from you. Do not hesitate to let us know what you would like to see on this blog!
Please comment with any thoughts or questions you may have. Remember that together…

We Will Change The World
# endless inspiration and motivation